Ofenfrisch und zuckersüss
I proudly present my new book 'Ofenfrisch und zuckersüss'
which shows a 'Tour de Suisse' visiting 50 of the best bakeries and confectioneries all across Switzerland.

272 pages / 23 x 30 cm / ISBN 978-3-909532-96-4 / published october 2011 / price: 69.- CHF
We have visited 50 of the best Swiss bread, pastry and chocolate producers in their bakehouses all around our country and we have watched how they work ...
They told us lovely stories, many of them are working in this domain since generations - and they left us recipes which are reproduced in our book!
Where to buy my book ?
You wish to buy my book? Please go to my bookshop and I will ship it to you!
- Price: 69.- CHF
- go to: Weber Verlag
- Try to get a copy in a book shop, asking for ISBN 978-3-909532-96-4
Special thanks to:
Martin Weiss, a brilliant person and writer, who became a good friend!
- Bernhard Aebersold, the heart of the project! Bernhard died shortly after the book has been published ... we are very sad and feel with his family!
- Lukas Imseng, the baker from Saas-Fee, who had the idea for this book!
Press book: